Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thing 9

I can see myself using SlideShare often in my classroom. I am always looking for presentations or videos to use when teaching. It is one of the easiest ways to integrate technology into my curriculum. SlideShare offers educational presentations or slidecasts created by other teachers. I agree with the whole notion of not “reinventing the wheel.” If someone else has already created the material, why not use it? One of the presentations I have found on SlideShare is a project on the Core Democratic Values. I plan on using it with my class this year! I also uploaded a presentation that I created on the 13 Colonies. That presentation will also be used this year. This is very exciting to me!

I can also see this as being a great way to have my students share PowerPoint presentations. Nothing makes a project done in school more authentic than giving students a real audience for the work they have done. I also like how after a PowerPoint is converted to a SlideShare presentation, I can easily embed it into a classroom wiki or blog, making the project accessible to everyone.

SlideShare also offers networking and working together with other people with the same interests. Comments can be made about presentations uploaded or viewed…another great way to collaborate!

Problems that could arise might be issues with copyrighted material. Students need to know how to cite their sources as well as be aware of not uploading material that is not theirs. Teachers might have to Research websites where royalty free images and audio can be used by students. Instruction needs to be given on choosing appropriate materials and giving credit to those materials.

I did not know about SlideShare before this course. It is definitely an application that will enhance my curriculum!

A SlideShare presentation I found that I will probably use with my class this year:

A presentation I created in PowerPoint and uploaded to SlideShare:


  1. Sometimes the slideshow creators will make their original PPT file available so that you can customize, or build-on what they have already done.

    A word of advice: rather than just saying images were from Google Images, try to include the URLs of the actual websites where the images originated. I don't get too hung up about MLA or APA format, but it's nice to model for students the responsible use and attribution of another's work.

  2. This is definitely an awesome website. I will also be using it this year. Isn't it nice finding new things to use in class?

  3. I agree that students need to publish their work to a real audience. I'm hoping this improves the finished project! Do you know of any websites with royalty free images?

  4. I haven't gotten to Thing 9 yet, but now can't wait after reading about this SlideShare business!

    The photographers at Flickr have always been more than willing to give permission to use their photos. I just email them, tell them what my intent is, and ask their permission. We cite them of course, and I also print a copy of their email granting permission just in case there is ever an issue.

  5. I agree strongly with your "do not reinvent the wheel comment". I always say "work smarter not harder" and it pretty much means the same thing, why would you go to all the trouble of creating brand new slidshows and presentations when there are ones out there than can be used and are just as effective as the ones I could create and spend so much time on.
